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Looking for a new activity or a gym to continue your training? Easingwold Martial Arts classes have something for every person regardless of experience. Our instructors will treat you with the utmost respect while guiding you to your goals. In each class you will have the opportunity to learn an ancient art, grow stronger mentally and physically, meet other people with similar interests, and become a part of a life changing and ever growing segment of the population who are recognizing and gaining the benefits of martial arts.


Our training combines real kickboxing, Martial Arts, Karate and Kickfit techniques for a full body fun and interesting workout. Our unique workouts sculpts the muscles of the arms, legs, bum, and abs!
Increase your flexibility, speed, agility, power, and mental clarity with our Muay Thai program. Each class you will learn how to punch like a boxer, and kick like a mule, all while carving up your physique.


Kickboxing is a modern martial art and combat sport that combines traditional boxing moves (jab, cross, hook etc) with powerful martial arts kicks. The result? An awesome set of combat skills and a fast-paced workout that’s guaranteed to improve your strength, stamina, reaction times, co-ordination and balance.
Our popular and friendly classes, held in our full-time fitness centre in Easingwold, offer something for everyone – fitness, self-defence, stress relief, improved self-esteem and more! Classes run several times a week and attract a good mix of men and women, ages, abilities and fitness levels.
New to Kickboxing? you’re in safe hands – it’s not about knocking the stuffing out of each other! Techniques are practised in a ‘non-contact’ way by working individually on the punchbags or in pairs with the focus mitts, thai pads and kick-shields (Gloves and safety kit is provided). Contact training and sparring is the next step for those interested in this side of Kickboxing.
Already experienced in kickboxing? We’ll help you to build on your existing skills, learn more advanced techniques and progress towards your blackbelt and beyond.
For our competitive students and those looking to compete, our weekly sparring sessions are a fantastic opportunity to develop your footwork, range and timing and generally put your kickboxing skills into practice.
Find out how fun it is to take the stresses of your day out on our punch bags, get in touch with us below


Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)This hugely popular and traditional martial art involves a variety of fighting techniques, including strikes, blocks, throws, stances and joint manipulations. Our regular classes, held at our permanent full-time fitness centre in Easingwold, teach all Kihon (basic) techniques of Shotokan Karate, the Kata (set patterns of moves) and Kumite (light sparring). Our coaches have experience in numerous styles and so include aspects from Kykushin, Wado-Ryu and Gojo Ryu Karate.
Our professional teaching approach respects the traditional values of karate, but in an atmosphere that is friendly, sociable and supportive. We want all our students to be as passionate about karate as we are and everyone is encouraged to progress at their own rate and grade with the long-term aim of reaching blackbelt (and beyond).
Less physically demanding than kick-boxing or MMA, Karate still offers an excellent full body workout that builds strength, agility, improves co-ordination and speed, and burns calories! Before you know it, you’ll feel stronger, fitter and be as hooked on this fun martial as the rest of us!
All ages and abilities are very welcome! Beginners will easily get to grips with the basic techniques and experienced students will be able to refine their existing skills and learn more advanced and challenging forms.
For a chat about how to get started and to visit to our dojo, contact us below.


Great for fitness and mental well-being, Judo is a rewarding martial art and a powerful means of self-defence.
We have extensive experience and expertise in Judo and our friendly classes, based in our full-time fitness centre in Easingwold, teach traditional Judo to the highest standard.
Judo is a popular form of self-defence because it uses leverage to fell an opponent rather than a person’s strength – this makes it ideal for all ages, sizes, weights and heights! Our classes provide a safe environment to develop the skills and teach the clarity of mind needed to defend yourself effectively in the (hopefully unlikely!) instance of a real attack.
Classes vary week to week to keep them fun and challenging, covering various techniques including controlled falls, throws and lifts, grabs, and everything you need to pin your opponents down to the ground, and keep them there with various holds and joint locks (whilst still keeping it safe and fun!).
Physically, Judo will make you stronger, increase your speed, endurance and agility and teach you how to use your attributes to your advantage. Mentally, Judo is well known to improve-confidence and self-esteem, and reduce stress and anxiety.
Everyone from total novices to senior black belts are very welcome. For information on how you can join in, contact us below

Japanese Ju Jitsu

Similar to Judo, this traditional and exciting Japanese martial art relies on technique rather than strength to defend against an opponent, making it ideal for men and women of any size, weight or height.

Aside from burning loads of calories, These exciting classes teach an extremely effective form of self-defence! – you’ll learn how to defend against punches and grabs, how to use a bigger opponent’s weight and size against them, and if you are attacked on the ground, how to keep focused so you can fight back and get up on your feet.
Whatever your age, ability or size, there are tons of advantages to learning Jiu Jitsu with us. Physically you’ll gain increased flexibility, improved fitness, strength and general physical conditioning. Mental benefits include; Stress relief, improved concentration, and Increased self-confidence.

Based at our full-time fitness facility in Easingwold (easily accessible from York, Thirsk, Boroughbridge and surrounding areas), our fun classes are suitable for beginners and experienced students alike. Whether you’re looking for self-defence, a way to de-stress or a new martial art that will gradually build strength and stamina, get in touch with us below.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

MMA is an exciting and fast paced full-contact sport that combines striking and grappling techniques – think kickboxing crossed with the ground fighting of Jui Jitsu and Judo. MMA is an exciting and fast paced full-contact sport that combines striking and grappling techniques – think kickboxing crossed with the ground fighting of Jui Jitsu and Judo. Whether you’re a total beginner or already have grappling experience, this popular, stream-lined fighting style is has A LOT to offer both men and women alike, including:• An outstanding whole-body workout An intense full cardio and strength workout all at the same time, it won’t take long for you to start to noticing a significant improvement in your overall fitness and strength and your body more sculpted.  
• Excellent self-defence skillsLearn how to protect yourself from both a standing position and from the ground. MMA provides a safe environment to develop the skills and clarity of mind needed to fight back effectively – helping you keep calm and focused in the (hopefully unlikely!) instance of a real attack
• Decreased StressIt’s a well know fact that exercise can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels. Add in that the fact that smashing punchbags is also enormous fun and you’ve got the perfect way to let off steam!Our club ethos is ‘keep it playful’ and we make sure our MMA classes are always a safe and fun space to learn. For more information on how to get involved in this fast growing combat sport, get in touch with us below.